PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard

When you add a pivot table in previous versions of Excel, the PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard opens
Which guides the user step-by-step in creating the table.
In addition to creating the pivot table, there were other options, such as Multiple Consolidation Ranges,
Or create pivot tables based on a separate cache that no longer appears in the Ribbon versions.

Those of us who want to use the wizard, or its options, can add it to the Quick Access Toolbar:

  1. Click the arrow on the Quick Access toolbar
  2. Select More Commands:
  3. The next window will open:
  4. Select All Commands
  5. Highlight PivotTable and PivotChart Wizard
  6. Click on ‘Add
  7. Finally, click OK

The pivot table wizard will be added to the Quick Access toolbar:


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