Pivot Tables - Smart Data Analysis 

A pivot table is a simple, yet powerful technique,
that enables Excel’s users to transform data overload
into meaningful and organized knowledge

  • Just a simple mouse drag to see the data in dozens of different ways
  • No need for formulas(!) to perform fast calculations
  • Get a clear picture by focusing on a different part of the data each time
  • Show more trends and patterns
  • Analyze your data easily by creating reports and charts

Pivot Table is a Top Management Tool
that requires only basic Excel skills!

While reading the book and using the practice files, you will know to:

  • Create a Pivot tables
    Select Data from the current file
    Select Data from another  Excel file
    Change the data source
    Create a pivot tables based on a dynamic table
  • Perform Calcuations
    Use sum, average, minimum, maximum and count
    Show Percentage of a column total, row total and Grand total 
    Display the running total
    Group numeric and date data 
    Use calculated field and calculated item
  • Change The Report Structure 
    Switching columns and rows 
    Adding columns or rows
    Adding a page break between items
  • You will also know to
    Add slicers and manipulate them
    Add a timeline
    Add Charts
  • Use the new and innovative feature "The Data Model"
  • Cool Tips and Tricks
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